SEBON नेपालको Stock market को लागि एक मात्रै regulator हो । SEBON जुन 7, 1993 मा नेपाल government द्वारा establish गरिएको securities market को apex regulatory body (top नियामक निकाय )हो। जसले Securities Act, 2006 अन्तर्गत market लाई operated गर्दै आएको छ। यसको Governing Board मा seven members हुन्छन् ,जसलाई government बाट चार वर्षका लागि appointed गरिएको हुन्छ जसमा full time chairman सहित finance ministry का securities , Law को ministry, Nepal Rastra Bank का representative, Nepal Chartered Accountant का representative, Nepal उधोग वाणिज्य महासंधका प्रतिनिधि (Representative of the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry ) र capital market वा financial sectors का expert एक member हुन्छन् । Nepal stock Exchange (NEPSE) SEBON एक मात्र licensed पाएको market exchange हो । नेपालमा 30 वटा merchant banker छन् ।
Function, Duties and Power of SEBON
- यसले Nepal government लाई capital market को development सम्बन्धी सहायक विषय (incidental matters) मा decision provide गर्छ ।
- Stock exchange को activity लाई monitor र regulate गर्छ ।
- Securities business person को activities लाई monitor र regulate गर्छ ।
- Securities transaction सम्बन्धी account को clearance (मिलान) लाई arrange गर्छ।
Key Institutions under SEBON:
- Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE): नेपालमा share र bondहरू transaction हुने market हो । SEBON ले NEPSE को activities monitors र regulates गर्छ ।
- Issuance of Operating Licenses: SEBON ले विभिन्न financial institutions हरूलाई कार्य operating licenses issue गर्छ, जसले ती institutions हरूलाई legal recognition (मान्यता) दिन्छ।
SEBON structure and governance
SEBON नेपालका securities market को top regulatory body हो। SEBON को structure मा different department includes छन, a governing board र chairperson, जसले organization lead गर्छ । यहाँ SEBON को structure र governance manageको short explanation गरिएको छ;
1.Governing Board :SEBON को Board ले देशको securities market का लागि important decision गर्ने र rules हरु बनाउँछ। यसमा विभिन्न financial र government sectors का members हरु includes छन्। Chairperson, जसलाई Nepal Government बाट choose गर्छ, SEBON ले lead गर्छन र यसको direction र policies हरुमा guide गर्छन् ।
2. Organizational Department SEBON को organizational structure मा कहि department हरु include छन् like, Research and planning, market supervision and surveillance, investor protection and awareness , licensing and registration and so on.
HOW SEBON impact Nepal’s economy?
1.Enhance market confidence: Transparency र Fairness लाई promote गर्दछ, जसले investors मा trust बढाउँछ ।
2.Attract investment: Stable environment create गर्छ जसले domestic र foreign investment लाई encourages गर्छ।
3.Promotes capital market development: Stocks र bonds मार्फत businesses हरुको लागि funding सजिलो बनाउँछ।
4.Drives Economic Growth: Investment को increaseले job creation हुन्छ र economic expansion गर्न help गर्छ।
5.Fosters competition: Company हरुको efficiency improves र overall market performance सुधार गर्छ।
6.Supports investor education: Investors लाई संरक्षण गर्दछ र responsible investing लाई promote गर्दछ ।
Challenges faced by SEBON
–Attracting Foreign Investment: Political instability र risk का कारण विदेशी लगानी कम हुन सक्छ।
–Market Liquidity: low trading volume र limited investment option हरूले बजार को growth मा impact पुर्याउन सक्छ।
–Low Investor Awareness: Financial literacy कम भएकोले responsible लगानीमा समस्या आउन सक्छ।
–Stakeholder Coordination: विभिन्न stakeholders बीचको cooperation र effective communication मा challenges आउन सक्छ।
Opportunities of SEBON
- Attracting foreign investment: राम्रो regulation र transparency मार्फत foreigner लगानी attract गर्छ।
- Political Instability: Better policies बनाउन र international partnerships बनाउन जसले market लाई stabilize गर्ने र long-term investment attractive गर्ने छ।
- Market Liquidity: New financial products develop गर्ने , market infrastructure improve गर्ने र public-private partnerships बढाएर market को growth लाई सघाउने गर्छ।
- Low Investor Awareness: Financial education programs launch गर्ने , market मा participation बढाउने गर्छ।
SEBON नेपालको stock market र capital market को development , regulation र सुधारमा एक अत्यन्त important role खेल्दछ। यसले market को stability र transparency बढाउँदै, नेपालको economic growth मा important योगदान पुर्याउँछ। SEBON को effective implementationले future मा अझ राम्रो र secure capital market creation गर्न help गर्छ।